articles Unlocking the fourth dimension Don’t trust the right thing done for the wrong reason. The why of the thing, that’s the foundation.
articles Siberian Wolf smile And as he looks at her, the flesh of his muzzle burns and curls into his first and last smile.
articles Eyes in the "Black Mirror" And that is what the Black Mirror is all about. We do not see our face in that black screen. We see what is left of our consciousness.
reviews Steins;Gate and Time Travels: No time to die... twice. When I first saw the Steins;Gate anime, I was struck by the incredibly “slow” atmosphere. The surreal overlay of events immediately captivated me and I wasn't disappointed.
reviews Studio 5, The Stars: Ballard’s 1961 short story that anticipated the issue of generative AI As early as 1961 (in the short story Studio 5, The Stars), Ballard anticipated one of the most topical and controversial issues of the day: The generation of texts with machines (or AIs).
articles Cyberpunk, a rebel no more? Perhaps the new cyberpunk is losing the ability to create scenarios. Is it becoming just consumer fiction made to amaze the reader and that's all?
mybooks Root Legacy: Cyberpunk/SciFi novel - English Edition FATAL ERROR. NO WAY OUT. RUN. Net -a brilliant, unruly hacker- must make a choice: trust the Swarm of voices activates in his head or not.
reviews Ubik or Philip K. Dick's Allegory cave I am Ubik. Before the universe was, I am. I made the suns. I made the worlds. I created the lives and the places they inhabit.
articles Gibsonian Cyberpunk and the Equitable Future "The future is already here. It's just not quite evenly distributed yet" is a famous phrase by the American writer William Gibson that has been taken up by doctors, scientists and communicators. A simple, immediate, visionary and in some ways disturbing sentence.
articles A Science Fiction Journey: Where does Sci-Fi come from? How define the origin of the science fiction? It is near impossible. You would have to trace the entire path of stories, plots, novels, short stories, narratives of all kinds.
articles Relativity vs. quantum mechanics in black holes: The boundary between science and science fiction While science fiction have often distorted the properties of black holes, it has just as often managed to capture the intriguing nature of these astrophysical objects
reviews Cult SciFi Series: Why was The X-Files so successful? A cult, a monster-of-the-week style show centering on the FBI's unsolved cases. But why was it so successful?
mybooks Root Legacy: To the Edge of Consciousness - Cyberpunk/SciFi novel He has broken through their defenses. They won't forgive him. But he is not alone.
mybooks The Outers: What if even they couldn't stop it? - SciFi novel In a neurotic world of Cybermen and Snervants Arthur Donovan finds himself embroiled with the charming profiler Himna in a financial-political AI intrigue.
articles Silkpunk: Mix science fiction and fantasy, drawing inspiration from classical East Asian history Like steampunk, silkpunk is a mixture of science fiction and fantasy, with the dosage of each not always fixed. Steampunk is inspired by the technological aesthetic of brass and chrome of the Victorian era, while silkpunk is inspired by classical antiquity in East Asia.
reviews Dust, the short SciFi by Jason Gallaty, Josh Grier & Mike Grier The world is changing rapidly. New species evolve to adapt to changing ecosystems. Technology and tradition coexist as symbiotic opposites that divide rural people from city dwellers. Nature provides a constant challenge in the midst of this turmoil. This is Dust by Mike Grier.
articles Artificial intelligence, science fiction and everyday life Generative AI products can produce written, graphical, and audio content or software programs with minimal human involvement, but also flat creative output and minimize the importance of human emotions and feelings involved in the creative process.
reviews Ballard: four novels Under the sign of the Apocalypse The apocalyptic scenario is one that many of James G. Ballard's characters have to face. Ballard is a science fiction writer and noble father of speculative cyberpunk. His stories unfold under the sign of the Apocalypse, the Revelation of a new dystopic world.
articles Cyberpunk: On social and cultural meaning of a literary movement The fictional genre known as cyberpunk has deep political and cultural roots, with great authors such as William Gibson and Neal Stephenson shaping its development and success. 'Cyberpunk is a comet that has passed through the skies of speculative fiction and exploded in its heyday. We will long sail
articles Are Cyberpunk and Science Fiction dead? In Science Fiction the plot is fairly linear, with characters defined and more or less recognizable in patterns. In Cyberpunk, linearity is broken, protagonist-situation relationships are complex and ambiguous.
reviews Gibson's Johnny Mnemonic: On human empowerment and control Johnny Mnemonic is a hymn and a warning to human empowerment and control through dermal chips and the control of biological neural networks.
reviews Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? The imminent biological disintegration as a result of the radioactive catastrophe, the need for a 'belief', even if it is illusory (TV cult), the dumbing down of consciousness and ability to choose caused by the mass media.
reviews Our Reviews Our reviews will cover classic novels as well as new releases; film productions and non-fiction books; antologies, flash fiction, comics, graphic novels, anime...