Our Reviews

Our reviews will cover classic novels as well as new releases; film productions and non-fiction books; antologies, flash fiction, comics, graphic novels, anime...

Our Reviews
Our Reviews

Science fiction is a MODERN (i.e., new) literary genre in which science and technology are very important: the term science fiction was first used in 1926 by Hugo Gernsback, the American inventor and writer who founded the first science fiction magazine. The Hugo Awards, given annually since 1953 by the World Science Fiction Society, are named after him. These achievement awards are given to the top SF writers, editors, illustrators, films, and fanzines.


Our reviews will cover classic novels as well as new releases; film productions and non-fiction books; antologies, flash fiction, comics, graphic novels, anime... We will discuss not only science fiction, but also anything related to the world of technology, robotics, transhuman, artificial intelligence and artificial consciousness, as well as cyberpunk culture: Hackers, rockers, and other cultural rebels We accept book proposals and other works, but we do not guarantee 'friendly' reviews.

Contact us

Project manager: Michael B. Morgan bmorganmichael@protonmail.com
Graphic design: Gregor Code ddcode@proton.me
Web developer: CZero mbrunet78@proton.m