The UFO Phenomenon: The Key is to Ask Questions

In July 1947, during a severe thunderstorm northwest of Roswell, something happened. Was it a craft? Was it a barometer? What took place?

The UFO Phenomenon: The Key is to Ask Questions - image from freepik
The UFO Phenomenon: The Key is to Ask Questions - image from freepik

In July 1947, during a severe thunderstorm northwest of Roswell, something happened. Was it a craft? Was it a barometer? What took place?

Image from UFO's and Unexplained Mysteries Youtube channel
Image from UFO's and Unexplained Mysteries Youtube channel 

Many books, many hypotheses

In his book UFO The FBI UFO File, investigative journalist D.E. Alexander attempted to prove that the FBI and the U.S. government have allegedly been covering up the UFO phenomenon since the famous Roswell incident. His investigation began with reference to a famous dossier released by the FBI on The Vault, a FOIA (Freedom Of Information Request) library. This archive includes information relating to UFOs, the JFK Assassination, chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, and top secret aircraft. The dossier was specifically about the UFO phenomenon. Most of the document's 1,000 pages were classified. In his book, Alexander used modern technology to reveal startling images of UFOs that were covered up by the FBI in the 1970s regarding the Roswell event. The images resemble modern stealth bombers. If you want to "believe" in UFOs, this book is a good pep talk.

Secrets of the government?

John Greenewald also began researching the secret inner workings of the U.S. government at the age of fifteen. In his book The Black Vault: The Government's UFO Secrets Revealed, he opened up the secret world of unidentified aerial phenomena that has plagued the military since at least the 1940s. For Greenewald, declassified records proved the UFO issue to be one of the most highly classified and elusive topics the U.S. government has ever dealt with.

FBI Records: The Vault - UFO Part 1/16 - p. 41
FBI Records: The Vault - UFO Part 1/16 - p. 41

The Vault

The case of the FBI document broke out in 2011: "In 1947, a wave of unexplained flying object (UFO) sightings swept across America. Although the fledgling U.S. Air Force was the primary investigator of these sightings, the FBI received many reports and worked with the Air Force for a time to investigate these cases." This statement illustrates the FBI's role in investigating these reports between 1947 and 1954, and filled in this dossier. Twenty years later, John Keel, in his Operation Trojan Horse: The Classic Breakthrough Study of UFOs, would propose the so-called "paraphysical hypothesis," according to which "entities" masquerading as "aliens" are actually subtle realities, comparable even to demons.

"The true story of UFOs must include all the many observed manifestations," writes John Keel. "It is a story of ghosts and phantoms and strange mental aberrations; of an invisible world that surrounds us and sometimes engulfs us; of prophets and prophecies, of gods and demons. It is a world of illusions and hallucinations in which the unreal seems very real and in which reality itself is distorted by strange forces that can apparently manipulate space, time and physical matter, forces that are almost entirely beyond our ability to comprehend."

Deliberate deceptions?

Thus, in 1970 John Keel questioned the then fashionable extraterrestrial UFO hypothesis in favor of a hypothesis linking UFOs to a range of paranormal and supernatural phenomena that have occurred throughout history. Keel was one of the first to point out that the UFO phenomenon came in many forms. And that you cannot begin to unravel this great mystery without first taking into account its many and various deliberate deceptions.

FBI Records: The Vault - UFO Part 1/16 - p. 44
FBI Records: The Vault - UFO Part 1/16 - p. 44

Paraphysical hypothesis

John Keel’s was a variant of the "paraphysical" or "interdimensional" hypothesis on UFOs, according to which UFOs come from a parallel dimension inhabited by intelligent beings, or from a parallel universe that coexists separately from our own, in a system likened to a kind of multiverse.
According to Keel, the entities hostile to humanity manifested themselves in the form of aliens, monsters, ghosts, demons, and paranormal entities. He later defined UFOs as a type of electromagnetic phenomenon that originated not in other dimensions or parallel universes, but in our own universe, in a region of the electromagnetic spectrum not perceptible to our senses (superspectrum theory).
The paraphysical hypothesis, on the other hand, was proposed by astronomer and ufologist Jacques Vallée and became popular in the 1970s/80s (see Jacques Vallee UFO and paranormal phenomena papers).

Are there really any definitive answers available today?

Those who do not admit the paraphysical hypothesis claim that it is a belief system rather than a scientific hypothesis. In theory, what cannot be considered scientific is that which cannot be falsified or verified by observations and experiments. How, then, to prove on the actual existence of the multiverse and the feasibility of travel between alleged different universes and dimensions?

AI generated Image by DDCode
AI generated Image by DDCode

Keep asking questions

About UFOs there are many hypotheses, more or less interesting, the fact remains that the FBI document reports some intriguing testimonies, but behind every written text there are always intentions. The subject of UFOs and aliens is vast: from occultism and positivism to the birth of the extraterrestrial myth; from spiritualism to Crowley's trans-dimensional aliens; from early UFO sightings to military technologies; from the extraterrestrial hypothesis to the paraphysical hypothesis; from abductions to possessions; from the life from space hypothesis to Sitchin's exegesis; from the relationship with religions to the demonological hypothesis.
All that remains is to investigate and keep asking questions.

Useful Readings

  1. "The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry" Author: J. Allen Hynek Year: 1972 Description: A seminal work by a former Project Blue Book consultant, this book explores the scientific investigation of UFOs.
  2. "UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record" Author: Leslie Kean Year: 2010 Description: Leslie Kean presents firsthand accounts and testimonials from high-ranking military and government officials who have witnessed UFOs.
  3. "The UFO Phenomenon: Fact, Fantasy and Disinformation" Author: John Michael Greer Year: 1991 Description: This book examines the UFO phenomenon from historical, cultural, and psychological perspectives, addressing both believers and skeptics.
  4. "UFOs and the National Security State: The Chronology of a Cover-Up, 1941-1973" Author: Richard M. Dolan Year: 2002 Description: Richard Dolan provides a detailed historical account of UFO sightings and government involvement in UFO investigations.
  5. "Project Blue Book Archive" Website: An online archive of declassified Project Blue Book documents, offering access to government files on UFO sightings and investigations.
  6. "Communion" Author: Whitley Strieber Year: 1987 Description: A personal account of alleged extraterrestrial encounters, this book contributed to the popularization of the alien abduction narrative.
  7. "The UFO Enigma: A New Review of the Physical Evidence" Author: Peter A. Sturrock Year: 1999 Description: Peter Sturrock, a respected physicist, examines the physical evidence related to UFO sightings in a scientific context.