articles Choices and Anti-Choices Who or what determines which choices carry enough weight to change our existence?
articles Catch me if you can At that point, we will have access to the very structure of reality and we will speak the native language of the universe.
Quantum Entanglement Quantum teleportation Teleporting matter is not yet possible, but we can move information. And that is what a group of Chinese scientists did using the entanglement.
articles What if the Library of Congress was a Quantum Reality? Because physics is about our being in the world and our connection to creation. To the universe. To God. And also to the great libraries. Crazy cool, I tell you.
articles Time, space and Quantum Entanglement Entanglement is a correlation between different physical systems that establishes a relationship between their respective properties and is so substantial that it persists even when these systems, separated in space and time, no longer interact.